DID YOU KNOW? Earth Day Edition

Did you Know?

Hey, United Family! It’s almost Earth Day. Founded in 1970, Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22. Did you know that more than 190 countries participate in Earth Day? This makes the holiday one of the most significant civic observances worldwide! 

The first Earth Day saw 20 million Americans participating in rallies and demonstrations, which sparked the modern environmental movement.

Did you know that Earth Day’s inception led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States? Each year, Earth Day promotes environmental awareness and action to protect our planet for future generations. This year, the theme is “Restore Our Earth,” which emphasizes the importance of environmental restoration and conservation efforts. 

Here at The United Family, we strive to become more sustainable each year. Stay tuned in the coming days for more blog updates with stories about our sustainability efforts. 

We are so excited to share what we’ve been working on! 

